Manifesto of Gingers

Manifesto of Gingers

We, the natural gingers of the world, hereby declare the following principles as part of the forthcoming revolution:

– We strive for a ginger utopia. A world where red headed people, not only are not ridiculed and ostracised, but where our tonal superiority is envied and celebrated. Our status and privilege will be great and abundant.

– We are varied in tone. Our hair ranges from strawberry blonde through to dark auburn and everything between (this includes shades of light orange, orange, copper, burnt orange, red, dark red, and auburn).

– Once one has been a ginger, one will always remain a ginger. Natural external factors which adjust the colour to more common tones of brown and blonde, and grey or silver due to aging processes, do not influence the purity of the ginger. It is genetics that matter. The presence of two copies of a recessive gene on chromosome 16 which causes a mutation in the MC1R protein is important and determining. (However, it must be noted, that if one’s hair colour is adjusted due to unnatural factors such as hair dye, one will be excluded from our people without opportunity for return.)

– We exist without skin colour, eye colour, religion, nationality, age, creed, sex or class. We do not discriminate on this basis. We are bonded through our hair colour alone which should be natural and true.

– The ginger legitimacy and purity of our people is vital to its longevity. Therefore, it is important, where possible, for gingers to procreate with other gingers. It is crucial to avoid contamination.

– We resolve to raise the current statistics from 2% of the world population to at least 64%. It is our dream that our children’s children will experience this utopia.

We call upon all ginger men and women throughout the world who are in agreement with these ideals and principles to join us in enforcing the above.

It is our intention to bring our people together in a public forum to review this manifesto on an annual basis and to oversee its action.

(Place: Breda, The Netherlands)


12 Responses to “Manifesto of Gingers”

  1. Rosie 17/03/2013 at 13:02 #

    Great website and stunning photos.
    I’d like to argue a point on your manifesto however; that of hair dyeing.
    My auburn hair started greying when I was about 22. If I didn’t help nature a little I would look considerably older that my 34 years and also wouldn’t be able to display the amazing auburn shade that matches my pale Irish-rose skin and green eyes.
    According to the manifesto, this excludes me from being ginger without opportunity to return….
    Even more confusing is that some of your photos display folk who have dyed their hair; I very much doubt that 0352 Heather is displaying a colour supplied by mother nature, and a closer inspection of Yelta (0140) shows dark roots. There are a few others I suspect may also be dyed. Both of these women are gorgeous, and clearly naturally on the redhead spectrum but they, like I, choose to celebrate and enhance their colour.
    Please therefore don’t exclude the gingers dyeing their hair a different shade of red – you’ve photographed them so surely we’re in!!

  2. Gordon Hill 18/03/2013 at 23:12 #

    “excluded from our people” lol love it!
    Some suggestions?
    From now on gingers when meeting shall refer to each other by the respectful Sister or Brother.
    From now on non-natural gingers shall be referred to as “winjers” (wanna be gingers), or finjers (fake gingers). As pure redheads are often imitated never duplicated. You can’t fake this kind of beauty baby!!!

  3. Raquel 20/03/2013 at 13:08 #

    About the first topic of the Manifesto:
    You have to come to Brazil. It’s great to be a ginger here. People want to be ginger and envy our hair color. It’s been a couple of years (and I’m 24!) that I’ve known gingers are “ridiculed and ostracised” at some places.

  4. Rachel Dixon 20/03/2013 at 13:33 #

    Cool project. Now my son does not feel too bad about his freckles. He just wants to be part of your project!

  5. Kitts 29/03/2013 at 17:47 #

    Wow… I just liked your facebook page and then came to read this. And the comments. It’s a bit harsh really. I am not ginger but whenever I tried to dye my hair it always went red – no matter what colour was intended. So I embraced it as it matched my skin and eyes. But to be called names because of that is ridiculous. Also, I understand the need to embrace the ginger gene but to encourage people to mate with each other to avoid contamination – “contamination”? – is completely offensive.

    Is that your intent?

    • admin 02/04/2013 at 20:57 #

      see reply to your comment below!

  6. admin 02/04/2013 at 20:57 #

    Thanks for all your comments!
    The purpose of the Manifesto was to get a strong response/reaction from people, be it positive or negative.

    @Kitts The Ginger Manifesto is a satirical text that seeks to reference past oppressive systems that have sought to create a single-raced ‘utopia’. Words such as ‘purity’ and ‘contamination’ were used in times like the Holocaust and Apartheid – these are very real concerns. There is meant to be an element of humour and ridiculousness in the text, whilst at the same time making people feel dramatically unsure and uncomfortable. I am glad you had such a strong response to this – thank you for sharing your concern!

  7. SAVANNAH 03/04/2013 at 17:30 #


  8. Mateus Echeto 09/04/2013 at 16:55 #

    First of all, I must congratule you for the amazing project. I’ve been always in my life trying to hide my essence and to deny that I was a ginger. When I was a teen, I used to be ridiculed by mean people at school and, unfortunately, didn’t want to be like I was. I wore hats, scarves and stuff like those to avoid people knowing my gingerness. Here in Brazil, there’s a culture that obligates you to be like everyone else. If you are uncommon, they hit you by bullying. But now, I’ve grown and I’m so proud to have orange hair. Thank you for making me brave in a strong way by showing me how blessed is to be a ginger persona. After I stood myself up and found my core among people, I am really respected as I am, no matter in which way. I’m up with you. When you come to Brazil, I want to help you with the project. 🙂

  9. wendy 02/06/2013 at 01:54 #

    a bit odd , but whatever turns your crank. I’m about a half a century old and have never been made fun of or ridiculed, on the contrary people have told me my whole life how beautiful my hair is and how they wish they had my color .

  10. Lori Sanders 19/07/2016 at 00:02 #

    Is ginger something you have been referred to as your life? It’s a new reference for me (I have only known that reference in the last two years, redhead is the only way I have been referred as.


  1. Anthea Pokroy’s Gingers | Crimson-Cocoon - 19/03/2013

    […] and envisions a sort of ginger Utopia free from ginger prejudices- she’s even written a manifesto which states ‘if one’s hair colour is adjusted due to unnatural factors such as hair dye, […]

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